How to Become a Promising Real Estate Agent - Zafir Rashid

Zafir Rashid highlights some promising tips that assist in becoming promising real estate agent.

Make yourself available

You could be working with five clients at once, but if you can't give each person your undivided attention, you can kiss your profit (and future recommendation) goodbye. With the introduction of caller ID, answering the phone and gathering potential client information has become easier than ever. Of course, there will be times when you are truly unable to answer your phone; however, whenever possible, return a call from a current custome- Zafir Rashid.

Set Objectives

Did you know that 83% of the population does not have goals? Furthermore, only 3% of those who do set goals have those goals written down somewhere. If, on the other hand, you take the time to physically write down your goals, you will be 79 percent more likely to achieve them. With a statistic like that, there's no reason you shouldn't include goal setting in your daily business to-do list.

Have a marketing strategy in place.

You'll be way ahead of the game if you can set up a marketing campaign and then automate its process. The key to automated marketing success is threefold: you must cover all of your bases and personalize every customer experience without reinventing the wheel every time.

Make Yourself an Expert in Your Field

Because information about anything and everything is so easily accessible online, homebuyers are less likely to use the services of real estate agents and investors- Zafir Rashid. When it comes down to it, the one thing an agent can provide that the internet cannot is experience. Homebuyers will have no choice but to work with you if you present yourself as an expert in your market — a thought leader if you will.

Develop Relationships

A successful real estate agent will always have a full schedule. However, this is no excuse for failing to cultivate customer relationships.

Implement Small Business Systems:

This is the tip that connects all of the dots. By employing the aforementioned strategies, you are, in effect, putting in place small business systems. The most successful small businesses are structured; they adhere to strict processes, have well-defined strategies, action plans derived from clearly defined goals, and, most importantly, they focus on the needs of their customers. Don't be afraid to experiment. Just make sure to test your new processes regularly so you can keep what works and discard what doesn't.


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